Oranges were known as
a medical means B.C. Orange contains such
vitamins as A, B1, B2, РР and trace elements
such as magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium,
calcium and iron. But the main dignity of
orange is vitamin C. Oranges are useful for
organism as a whole and for digestive, endocrine,
cardiovascular and nervous systems. Orange juice
activates the work of all functions of organism,
improves a metabolism, gives a tonic effect. It
is useful for diabetics and also is recommended
in cases of avitaminosis, weariness, a breakdown.
It stimulates appetite, quenches well the
thirst, especially when fever. Orange is a good
means in treatment of diseases of cardiovascular
system, a gastroenteric path. The vitamin B and
that are
contained in
oranges strengthen nerves.
One glass of
orange juice provides 80% of a daily need in
vitamin C.